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【7/17-18 韓国・ソウル】「BEYOND BLOCKS SUMMIT Seoul」アドライト登壇

7月17日・18日、韓国・ソウルにて行われるアジア最大級のブロックチェーンカンファレンス「BEYOND BLOCKS SUMMIT Seoul」にアドライトのメンバーがモデレーターとして登壇します。

BEYOND BLOCKS SUMMITはBeyond Block(シンガポール)が主催。ブロックチェーン関係者やコミュニティ、投資家などが一堂に会し、今年4月に東京でも行われております。





Panel: The Mainstream Effect – The Startup X Corporate Connection
You will find hundreds of articles online about the “Top blockchain startups that can help improve the way large corporations do business”, but not many are talking about the contrary. With the current landscape that essentially allows blockchain startups to connect with corporations, we are seeing an increase in cases where these corporations can play a crucial role in driving the success of these projects by means of mainstream utilization. Large enterprises are one of the keys in bringing startup projects in front of the masses, and it can benefit everyone from corporates, users, consumers and investors.

  • Moderator: Maxwell Weiss, Partner, addlight/Millenium 7
  • Simon Yu, CEO & Co-Founder, Storm
  • Maja Vujinovic, CEO, OGroup
  • Uriel Peled, Co-Founder, Orbs
  • Ella Qiang, Director of Partnerships, Stellar
  • Sabrina Tachdjian, Head of Investments, unblock